


API stands for application programming interface, a way to programmatically interact with a separate software component or resource. In term of CMS, APIs let you retrieve and deliver data to any channel such as website, mobile app, or smartwatches. Such API categorized as Content Delivery API (CDA).



Assets are any media files stored in the system, such as image, document, audio, and video. Nimvio allows you to upload and store media in your assets repository so that they are ready for use when you create content. The number of assets you can have in your projects is limited by the media storage capacity of your subscription plan.



Content is any text, image, audio, or video that you put into a field.


Content Template

The content template allows you to define the structure of content with predetermined fields so that you can provide a ready-for-use structure for writing content. You can also put guidance on each field included in the content template so that the content creators can easily start to content.

Common examples of content template:

  • Homepage

The homepage is usually built with several fields such as tagline, sub-tagline, banner image, and body text.
  • Blog

The blog is usually built with several fields such as title, author, date, and body text.

Learn more about how to create a content template with our step-by-step guide.


Content ID

Content ID is used to authorize an API call. Nimvio provides you with Content Delivery API to retrieve content from your Nimvio account. To make an authorized API request, sometimes you need to use the Project ID along with the Content ID.


Content Delivery API

Content Delivery API (CDA) is a read-only API for delivering content from Nimvio to any device. By using the Content Delivery API, content is delivered as JSON data through the specific endpoint. Nimvio provides you with three kinds of endpoints which are REST API, Elasticsearch Query API, and GraphQL API.

 API Endpoint


 REST API REST API is the most common approach to APIs and suitable for applications with a wide range of purposes. Built with a strong data structure, REST can handle multiple types of requests and return different data formats.
 Elasticsearch Query API As a navigational feature accessible through API, Elasticsearch can perform various kind of searches regardless of the data type. It helps to analyze billions of data in a few seconds and quickly find the best matches your query.
 GraphQL API With a strong type-system to define an API, GraphQL gives the specific of what exactly needed through only one endpoint. It becomes front-end friendly and a good fit for complex systems or microservices.



Dashboard is a page where you can find a big picture of your project. Here you can quickly capture your project resources, including the number of contents, content templates, and media usage. It provides you with an overview of your content status, as well.



Fields are the building blocks to create structured content. The type and order of the fields that you add to a content type decide how the content will be finally presented. Nimvio provides you with various field types designed to handle the most common content input needs. You can consider which of these to use when you create a content template.


Text Field

Text field accepts a single-line text and does not provide any formatting options or line breaks. The value entered in this field is often considered as the title of the content. While creating, you can set a minimum length and/or maximum length as the validation.


Rich Text Field

Rich text field or also known as Rich Text Editor (RTE) field, enables users to different input types of content such as text, image, and videos. When you add an RTE field in a content type, it displays a text area with editing and formatting options which allows you to edit and format content entered in the field. You can also set a minimum length and/or maximum length as the validation of this type of field.


Number Field

The Number field enables users to enter numeric data, for example, phone number or ZIP code. With the Number field, you can set the number of decimal places to be displayed. You can also set the minimum and/or maximum value as the validation.


Radio Field

Radio field allows you to choose an option from a set of predefined choices. The choices will be displayed as a radio button at the content creation.


Date / Time Field

This field allows you to input data and time easily. When you add this field in content type, it renders a calendar to select a date and time. You can set the minimum and/or the maximum date and time to be displayed.


Checkbox Field

Checkbox field allows you to choose one or more options from a set of predefined choices. The choices will be displayed as checkboxes at the content creation.


Media Field

Media field allows you to link a media to the content structure by uploading the media or choosing the one from the assets. While creating the field, you can define the accepted file types and size.


Linked Content Field

This type of field allows you to add existing content as a part that linked to the on-creating content. Make use of their relations when you publish or unpublish content in the future.



Media is a type of file that can be part of your content. In Nimvio, Media is classified into image, document, audio, and video. They are stored as assets and ready for use when you create content. Please note that Nimvio only accepts the media in the following formats with no more than 100 MB/asset of file size.

 Media Type

 Accepted Formats

 Image  png, jpg, jpeg, svg, webp, gif, ico, jiff
 Document  pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, csv
 Audio  mp3, aac
 Video  mp4, mpg, mpeg

Learn more about how to link media to content with our step-by-step guide.


Media Folder

Media folders allow you to organize your media in grid view mode. You can group your media to a categorization of your choice with media folders.


Media Metadata

Media metadata is defined as data providing information about the properties of a media. Each media type in Nimvio has its own metadata, as in the following table.

 Media Type  Metadata
 Image  Alternative Text, Title, File Name, Copyright, Width, Height, Size
 Document  Alternative Text, Title, File Name, Author, Size
 Audio  Alternative Text, Title, File Name, Copyright, Duration, Size
 Video  Alternative Text, Title, File Name, Copyright, Duration, Width, Height, Size



Organization is the top-level entity in the Nimvio structural hierarchy. It consists of projects, users, and roles. In terms of subscription, one subscribed account serves as one organization.



Project is a container that holds all the content and assets related to a site. It simplifies the management of spaces and teams that belong to a group. You can use a single project to store all related content that you are trying to deliver across various channels.


Project ID

Each project has a project ID. It is required to authorize an API request. To make an authorized API request, sometimes you need to use the Project ID along with the Content ID.


Publishing States

Once you create content, you can publish it in one of the available publishing environments. There are several states of content based on its publishing activities. To make it clear the separation of each state, Nimvio has the following definitions.

 Publishing State


 Unpublished Unpublished state refers to the items which are just created or have not being published anymore.  These items do not appear on the content delivery API.
 Published Published state refers to the items which are being live on the website or application. These items appear on the content delivery API.
 Changed Changed state refers to the items that have saved changes but not yet published. It means that the items appear in content delivery API but have another version that currently being edited.



Roles are specific sets of capabilities for users in your organization or project. You can use roles to define permissions for your users to limit what they can do. Roles are useful when defining the job description within the content creation and publishment activities.

In Nimvio, different roles exist at the organization level and the project level. The default roles at the organization level are Administrator and Member. While at the project level, the default roles are Author and Manager. The table below lists down all the right possessed by each of the default roles.


Organization Role

Project Role





Organization Level

Project Management

User Management

Role Management

Project Level

Content Management

Template Management

Media Management

User Management

Role Management


View Mode

Nimvio provides you with a multi-view mode to choose the best content presentation option. When organizing content, you have list-view and tree-view. When organizing media, you have list-view and grid-view. Each view mode has its own benefit.


Content View Mode

  • List-view Mode

This view mode allows you to view all your contents and easily compare them against each other regardless of the structure. It might help you to quickly review your progress of contents.
  • Tree-view Mode

This view mode allows you to view your contents in a structured way. It might help you to arrange and review your content details.


Media View Mode

  • List-view Mode

This view mode allows you to view all your media and easily compare against each other regardless of the media location. It might help you to quickly review your media properties.
  • Grid-view Mode

This view mode allows you to view media in a certain categorization within the media folders. It might help you to quickly find and assess a certain media.


What is Next?

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