
Working with Content


Content creation is the key activity for building a “heart” in your digital experience. Such is the importance of content that Nimvio tries to lighten the process. We believe that the easiness of creating content can boost your ideas and creativity to the max.

In this guide, you will learn how to easily craft content within your project in Nimvio. Starting from scratch, filling in the fields to publishing your content, we will cover everything within the following step-by-step guide.


Create Content

Follow these steps to create content.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on the +New Item button.

3. Select a content template to apply from the Template Enter the content name in the Content Name field. Click on the Create button.

4. Now you can start to craft the content by filling in the provided field based on the template you choose. If no template has the fields that fit your needs, please create one. To keep your content creation progress, click on the Save button.

5. You have successfully created the content.


View/Edit Content

Follow these steps to view/edit content.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon button on the content list.

3. You can edit the content in the respective fields as to your need. If you need to edit the field properties or restructure your fields, please edit the template. Click on the Save button to save your changes.

4. You have successfully edited the content.


Publish Content

Follow these steps to publish content.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon button on the content list.

3. Make sure your content is ready to publish, then click on Save & Publish button located at the bottom of UI.

4. On the following dialog, click on the Publish button.

5. You have successfully published the content. The status of content has now changed to Published. The content now also appears in the content delivery API and ready to deploy with the help of the Developer.


Publish Content with Linked Content & Media

Linked contents are contents attached by the user via Linked Content field, while linked media attached via Media field. You can have them published together with the content you are about to publish by performing the following steps:

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon button on the content list.

3. Make sure you have attached the intended content(s) and/or media on the Linked Content field and/or Media field. If there is no such field on your template, please create one.

4. After your content is ready to publish, then click on Save & Publish button located at the bottom of UI.

5. On the following dialog, check the Publish Linked Content box. Make sure your attached content(s) and media are listed on the table.

6. Click on the Publish button.

7. You have successfully published the content along with the linked item(s). The status of the content and its linked item(s) are now changed to Published. They will also appear in the content delivery API and ready to deploy with the help of the Developer.


Publish Content with Sub Content

Sub content is a content descendant that is placed by user under another content in the content structure. You can have them published together with the content you are about to publish by performing the following steps:

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon button on the content list.

3. Make sure your content has sub content(s). You can check this on the tree structure by clicking on the Tree View icon on the left menu bar.

4. You will find on the tree structure if your content has sub content(s).

5. After your content is ready to publish, then click on Save & Publish button located at the bottom of UI.

6. On the following dialog, check the Publish Sub Content box then click on the Publish button.

7. You have successfully published the content along with its sub content(s). The status of the content and its sub content(s) are now changed to Published. They will also appear in the content delivery API and ready to deploy with the help of the Developer.


Change Published Content

You can still make changes to content even after it is published. However, the published content will not be affected until you re-publish the new edited content. Follow these steps to change a published content.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon button of the published content on the content list.

3. You can edit the content in the respective fields as to your need. If you need to edit the field properties or restructure your fields, please edit the template. Click on the Save button to save your changes. The status of content now changed from Published to Changed. Upon changed, you can publish the content again to update the previously published content.

4. You have successfully changed a published content.


Unpublish Content

You can take out the content from the content delivery API by unpublishing it. Follow these steps to unpublish content.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon button of the published content on the content list.

3. Click on the Unpublish button located at the bottom of UI.

4. On the following confirmation dialog, click on the Unpublish button.

5. You have successfully unpublished the content. The status of content now changed from Published to Unpublished. The content now also disappears from the content delivery API.


Delete Content

Follow these steps to delete content.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab.

2. Click on a Trash icon button on the content list.

3. On the following confirmation dialog, click on the Delete button.

4. You have successfully deleted the content.


What is Next?

Congratulations! You have finished the guide. Keep exploring below: