
Working with Content Template


As the base for your contents, a content template allows you to build various structures of content and define the content type. We know there are many content types, say, homepages with different structures in the world. Maybe you also have your own structure, which is different from the others. That is why our template-maker will help you standardize your own structure and speed up your content creation process.

In this guide, you will learn how to create and manage your content template in Nimvio. Upon creation, you can use it while creating your content.


Create Content Template

Follow these steps to create a content template.

1. First, you have to think about what type of content this new template will accommodate (e.g., Homepage, Blog, etc.). The content type usually determines the name and structure to be created. Upon your decision, you can continue to the next step.

2. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content Template tab.

3. Click on the +New Template button and you will redirect to Create Content Template page.

4. Enter the template name in the Content Template Name field.

5. On the left side of your screen, you can find various field types to build your template. Now you can start to build the structure with the ease of drag and drop. Please refer to our elaboration on field types to find the differences between each field functionality.

6. Enter the information for each field which can be divided into a maximum of three tabs – Display, Data or File, Validation, and click on the Save button to save the changes. After having the complete structure, click on the Save button below the fields and you have successfully created a content template. Below are the details to fill in each field type.

a. Text Field

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content. Enter numeric value in the Minimum Length and Maximum Length field to represent the number of characters accepted or leave it blank if you do not need it.

b. Rich Text Field / Rich Text Editor (RTE)

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content. Enter numeric value in the Minimum Word Length and Maximum Word Length field to represent the number of words accepted or leave it blank if you do not need it.

c. Number Field

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the Data tab, check the Require Decimal box to present the decimal number in the field. If checked, enter the number of decimal places in the Decimal Places field.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content. Enter numeric value in the Minimum Value and Maximum Value field to represent the value accepted or leave it blank if you do not need it. Check the Do Not Allow Decimal box if you want to prevent the decimal input.

d. Radio Field

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the Data tab, enter the label and value of each Radio option in their respective fields. The value will be auto-generated by the input of the label. However, you can change it to your preference. To add more Radio option, click on the +Add Value button.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content.

e. Date / Time Field

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, format and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the Data tab, enter the accepted range of date and time in the Minimum Calendar Date and Time and Maximum Calendar Date and Time field or leave it blank if you do not need it.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content.

f. Checkbox Field

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the Data tab, enter the label and value of each Checkbox option in their respective fields. The value will be auto-generated by the input of the label. However, you can change it to your preference. To add more Checkbox option, click on the +Add Value button.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content.

g. Media Field

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the File tab, enter the information on file type in Label and Value Enter the accepted range of file size in the File Minimum Size and File Maximum Size field or leave it blank if you do not need it.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content.

h. Linked Content Field

  • On the Display tab, enter the field label, ID, and tooltip (optional) in their respective fields. The ID will be auto-generated by the input of the field label. However, you can change it to your preference.
  • On the Validation tab, check the Required box if the field must be filled in when creating content.


View/Edit Content Template

Follow these steps to edit a content template.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content Template tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon button on the template list.

3. You can edit the template name or restructure the fields. Drag and drop a field to add one to your structure. Hover to a created field, click on the Gear icon button to re-configure, Four Arrows icon button to drag, or Cross icon button to delete the field. Lastly, click on the Save button to save your changes.

4. You have successfully edited a content template.


Delete Content Template

You can delete a content template if you wish to. However, first you have to make sure that the template is not being used by any content. Follow these steps to delete a content template.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content Template tab.

2. Click on the Trash icon button on the template list.

3. On the following confirmation dialog, click on the Delete button.

4. The content template will be successfully deleted unless it is being used by certain content. In that case, you need to delete the respective content.


What is Next?

Congratulations! You have finished the guide. Keep exploring below: