
Version Control


In the world of digital content creation and management, maintaining control over the evolution and revisions of content is important. This is where content versioning comes into play. Content versioning is a systematic approach to manage and track changes made to the content over time, allowing creators, editors, and collaborators to keep a clear record of the history and progression of their work.


Save as New Version

To create a new version of your content, you can follow these steps.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Content tab and select any content that you want.

2. Next, edit your content and once done, click Save as New Version.

3. As the new version of content has been saved, it will be displayed as the current content. You may see the version number on the right side of the screen under Version section.

You have successfully saved a new content version.


Compare Version

To compare version of your content, follow these steps.

1. From your content page, click on the Pencil icon in the Version section on the right side of the screen. From here you can see that the current version is version 2.0. Hence, we can compare it with the previous version.

2. Within this Version list view, you can compare your content from previous version to the current one. All content versions will be listed here.

3. During version comparison, Nimvio will indicate what has been change to your content and from there you can proceed accordingly. This can save you lots of time.

You have successfully compared content version.


Restore Version

Follow these steps to restore any content version.

1. From your content page, click on the Pencil icon in the Version section on the right side of the screen.

2. Within Version list view, select the previous version that you want to restore and click RESTORE button at the bottom of the screen.

3. A pop up message will appear to confirm the restoration.

4. Once confirm, your version will be restored and displayed as the current content. However do note that these restored version number will be mark as the next one. For example, Version 3.0, as per shown below.

You have successfully restored content version.


Delete Version

Follow these steps to delete any content version.

1. From your content page, click on the Pencil icon in the Version section on the right side of the screen.

2. Within Version list view, select content version that you wish to delete and click on the DELETE button at the bottom of the screen.

3. A pop up message will appear to confirm the deletion.

4. Once confirm, the version will be deleted.

You have successfully deleted content version.


 What is Next?

Congratulations! You have finished the guide. Keep exploring below: