Admin And Manager

User and Role Management


As roles are useful for defining the scope of work and activities, Nimvio provides you with two levels of users and roles management – organization-level and project-level. Each level has its own default roles. You can learn more about them in Nimvio Default Roles.

Even though the two levels are different, the organization level becomes a prerequisite for managing the project-level one. You must have an administrator role to be able to manage those users and roles. The following guides allow you to manage both levels.


Organization-level Users and Roles

Invite User

Follow these steps to invite another user to Nimvio.

1. On your Account Dashboard, click on your account name in the upper right corner, then select the Organisation Settings option.

2. On the Users tab, click on the +Invite Users button above the user list.

3. Enter an email address and select a role for the user to invite. Click on the +Add You can add more user by repeating this step. After you have the complete list added, click on the Send button. Nimvio will send an invitation email to the invited user(s) with a temporary password in it.

4. The invited user should log in to Nimvio with the temporary password. Nimvio then will ask the invited user to fill in the registration form. After completing the form and clicking the Create Account button, the invited user will appear in the user list.

5. You have successfully invited a user.


View/Edit User

Follow these steps to view/edit a user within your organization.

1. On your Account Dashboard, click on your account name in the upper right corner, then select the Organisation Settings option.

2. On the Users tab, click on the Pencil icon button on the user list.

3. You can edit the user role by clicking the Pencil icon button beside the current role.

4. Select a role from the dropdown list, then click on the Save button.

5. You have successfully viewed/edited a user.


Remove User

Follow these steps to remove a user from your organization.

1. On your Account Dashboard, click on your account name in the upper right corner, then select the Organisation Settings option.

2. On the Users tab, click on the Trash icon button on the user list.

3. On the following confirmation dialog, click on the Delete button.

4. You have successfully removed a user.


Add User Role

You can make a custom user role when the default ones do not accommodate your need. Follow these steps to add a new user role to your organization.

1. On your Account Dashboard, click on your account name in the upper right corner, then select the Organisation Settings option.

2. Switch to the Roles tab, click on the +Add Role button above the role list.

3. Enter role name and description, then click on the Create button.

4. You have successfully added a new organization role.


View/Edit User Role

Follow these steps to view/edit a role in your organization.

1. On your Account Dashboard, click on your account name in the upper right corner, then select the Organisation Settings option.

2. Switch to the Roles tab, click on the Pencil icon button on the role list.

3. You can update the role name and description to your needs, then click on the Save button.

4. You have successfully viewed/edited a role in your organization.


Delete User Role

You can delete an organization role if you wish to. However, you have to make sure that the role is not being used by any user. Follow these steps to delete a role in your organization.

1. On your Account Dashboard, click on your account name in the upper right corner, then select the Organisation Settings option.

2. Switch to the Roles tab, click on the Trash icon button on the role list.

3. On the following confirmation dialog, click on the Delete button.

4. The role will be successfully deleted unless it is being used by a user. In that case, you need to edit the respective user.


Project-level Users and Roles

Add User to Project

Follow these steps to add a user to a project.

1. On your Account Dashboard, select a project to where the user will be added.

2. Switch to the Settings tab and select Users on the side menu. You will see a list of project users. Click on the +Add User button above the user list.

3. Select the email and role of the user that will be added to the project. Click on the +Add button. You can add more user by repeating this step. After you have the complete list added, click on the Send button.

4. You have successfully added a user to a project. The added user now appears in the user list.


Edit User in Project

Follow these steps to edit a user within a project.

1. On your Account Dashboard, select a project where a user will be edited.

2. Switch to the Settings tab and select Users on the side menu. You will see a list of project users. Click on the Pencil icon button on the user list.

3. Update the user role by selecting one from the dropdown list, then click on the Save button.

4. You have successfully edited a user in a project.


Remove User from Project

Follow these steps to remove a user from a project.

1. On your Account Dashboard, select a project where a user will be removed.

2. Switch to the Settings tab and select Users on the side menu. You will see a list of project users. Click on the Trash icon button on the user list.

3. On the following confirmation dialog, click on the Delete button.

4. You have successfully removed a user from a project.


Add User Role in Project

You can make a custom user role when the default ones do not accommodate your need. Follow these steps to add a new user role to a project.

1. On your Account Dashboard, select a project to where a new user role will be added.

2. Switch to the Settings tab and select Roles on the side menu. You will see a list of project roles. Click on the +Add Role button above the role list.

3. Enter role name and description, then click on Create button.

4. You have successfully added a new project role.


View/Edit User Role in Project

Follow these steps to view/edit a user role in a project.

1. On your Account Dashboard, select a project where a user role will be viewed/edited.

2. Switch to the Settings tab and select Roles on the side menu. You will see a list of project roles. Click on the Pencil icon button on the role list.

3. You can update the role name and description to your needs, then click on the Save button.

4. You have successfully viewed/edited a project role.


Delete User Role from Project

You can delete a project role if you wish to. However, you have to make sure that the role is not being used by any user. Follow these steps to delete a role in a project.

1. On your Account Dashboard, select a project where a role will be deleted.

2. Switch to the Settings tab and select Roles on the side menu. You will see a list of project roles. Click on the Trash icon button on the role list.

3. On the following confirmation dialog, click the Delete button.

4. The role will be successfully deleted unless it is being used by a user. In that case, you need to edit the respective user.


What is Next?

Congratulations! You have finished the guide. Keep exploring below: